Sunday, August 11, 2024

Pine Bluffs WY: UP Coaling Tower

(Satellite, based on the aerial photo below.)

I'm saving this photo because of the coaling tower, not the locomotive. 
Fernando Luna posted
Union Pacific Challenger No. 3985 was designed by Union Pacific and built in 1943 by the American Locomotive Company. It is one of 105 Challengers built for Union Pacific between 1936 and 1943 and was, for many years, the only operating engine of its class in the world – the largest and most powerful operating steam locomotive. That title has transitioned to Big Boy No. 4014 following the Big Boy's restoration.
No. 3985 last operated in "regular" train service in 1957. It was retired in 1962 and stored in the roundhouse in Cheyenne, Wyoming, until 1975 when it was placed on display near the Cheyenne depot. A group of Union Pacific employees volunteered their services to restore the locomotive to running condition in 1981. (Richard Leonard image) -  U.P. Challenger at Pine Bluff, Wyoming 1957
The name Challenger was given to steam locomotives with a 4-6-6-4 wheel arrangement. This means that they have four wheels in the leading "pilot" truck, which helps guide the locomotive into curves; two sets of six "driving" wheels, and finally, four "trailing" wheels, which support the rear of the engine and its massive firebox. Each set of driving wheels has its own steam cylinder. In essence, the result is two engines under one boiler.
[Note that it was the largest operating locomotive after it was restored, not in the 1940s. Some commenters missed that restriction and started listing larger locomotives that operated before 1940.]

Cheyenne, the next town west, has an even bigger coaling tower, so I don't know why this town one.

Sep 25, 1953 @ 63,300; ARA001260584997

Street View, Jun 2024

There was no grain elevator in the 1953 aerial because pivot irrigation wasn't developed yet. 

There are a couple of siding tracks by the elevator. Because of the shadows, it is hard to tell, but it looks like there may also be a fall protector. So, is this elevator an exception and UP provides rail service?
Global Earth, Sep 2013

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