Wednesday, August 7, 2024

McLean, IL: Museum/GM&O/Alton Depot

Original Location: (Satellite, based on aerial photo below.)
Current Location: (Satellite)

On a trip down I-55 to Springfield, we would get off at exists and head towards the railroad in the town to see what we could find. My wife is a good spotter and noticed this building. 

So I found a parking spot, and we got out to check it out. It is nice that they preserved the train order signals.

The camera didn't handle the backlighting very well.

And it failed completely with this view. It has spoiled me because it generally spots and handles backlighting quite well. When I first got it, I would take a second photo with the exposure changed one stop. But each time I preferred the camera's exposure so I quite compensating.

The satellite link at the top of these notes includes some photos that people have uploaded. There are quite a few interior shots. The building now houses a model railroading store. One of the shots is of the agent's desk.
Tristan McCall, Aug 2016

I did catch the two levers at the top of the windows that allowed the agent to control the train order signals.

1940 Aerial Photo from ILHAP

Aug 6, 2024: Josh Clark posted
A&S 2205 passing the new McLean mural after shaking hands with Amtrak 318 and a conductor pickup this evening.

The mural was painted since Sep 2023.
Street View, Sep 2023

On the left of this view, we see the downtown elevator. I think the federal taxpayers paid for those concrete ties in the name of a high speed (110mph) railroad.
Street View, Jul 2023

I wonder when the fall protector was last used. According to a satellite image, the siding is no longer usable.
Street View, Jul 2023

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