Saturday, August 3, 2024

Bozeman, MT: Extant/NP Depot and Wood Grain Elevators

Northern Pacific Depot: (Satellite)
AG Depot Grain Elevator: (Satellite)

Street View, Jun 2019

I found the above depot while looking for this grain elevator.
Wesley Peters posted
Grain Elevator Photography Trip, 2024- Day 4, Montana.
Bozeman, Gallatin County, MT.
Missoula Mercantile. Built in 1933.
Photographed on 7/10/2024.
Photo courtesy of Wesley Peters.
Steven Teslow: Teslow Inc.
I found an old grain elevator, but it is not consistent with Wesley's photo. I could not find the elevator in Wesley's photo.

"Ag Depot Inc. is located at the corner of Wallace and Mendenhall in Bozeman, MT. We are the area’s only locally owned grain elevator and farm store.  We originate and ship high-quality Montana malting barley to some of the premier maltsters and brewers in the world, and we supply quality organic, natural, and conventional feeds and crop inputs to large farmers, smaller part-time farmers, backyard gardeners and livestock growers.  If you have 1000 acres of barley or 3 backyard chickens, we can help you make the best choices for your operation."
Street View, May 2024

They have another wood elevator east of their main one.
Street View, May 2024

This is a view looking west from the east side of the elevator. Note the rail service.
Street View, Jun 2024

I couldn't find the elevator on a satellite map while looking along the NP route. So I got a topo map to see if there was another railroad in town. There was. The Milwaukee Road had a north/south route through town. So when I looked along that route, I found the AG Depot elevator. I could not find the elevator in Wesley's photo.
1948/51 Bozeman Quad @ 250,000

Even though the elevator was close to the Milwaukee Road, it used, and uses, an industrial spur that came down from NP.
1953/53 Bozeman Quad @ 24,000

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